When you do something, do it.

Something simple, yet it baffles me that it’s really not that simple for most, myself included. When you decide to do something, do it, wholeheartedly. Over the past couple of years I’ve really found myself living by this, and the last 4 months I’ve really found myself pushing this to an all time extreme.

In my opinion if you’re going to spend your precious time, and yes time is precious because it’s one of the few things that is certainly limited , you better do it 110% because otherwise why spend your time and the time of others. What I’ve learned is the people who make the most noise, and I don’t necessarily mean literal noise, have stuck to their guns, put their everything into what they are doing and will be the people who are never forgotten, who shaped the past, present and future. Do you think Steve Jobs went at Apple half ass, probably not, or when Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded google they were like “meh, I think I’ll kinda try and found Google and if it doesn’t work out, whatever” the answer is probably no.

I get to work with people all the time who are in positions where they can make huge decisions that effect a hell of a lot of people and when they say they want to do something and then hour, days and weeks later their still only kinda doing something it drives me insane. Now, I’m 100% guilty of this and I’m a complete hypocrite if I don’t say that I’m not guilty of it. What it boils down to is why waste time doing something if you’re not going to go ham and do it all the way. I’ve recently found myself following big music festivals, particularly EDM festivals, and more particularly Tomorrowland, which is quite possibly the most revolutionary festival ever. This seems irrelevant to the point but what I’m getting at is that as I follow Tomorrowland I’m in awe at the literal movement that this festival has created, conceptualized in 1992, at my ripe age of 2, to “engage college students” has revolutionized what it means to put on a festival, and really showed me that when you want to do something, do it. If you dream of getting close to 200,000 people to put their reality on hold and live a dream for a few days, do it, and be steadfast in working at it.

This transitions me into what I’ll probably be blogging about a lot now, UCF Homecoming, the road to Homecoming has been one of the most trying things I’ve embarked on and has changed me forever and I’ only 4 months in, and “just doing it” and sticking to my guns has been my savior. So enter UCF Homecoming.

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