The cliche “about me” post.

Well, I figure before I start ranting about things that probably either pissed me off or shocked me you probably should know who me is. I like to consider myself, pretty free willed, and without giving one single care what people think about me, truthfully everyone gives cares about what other people think about them because otherwise we’d all be uncivilized. But back to the point… I like to consider a few things when making my life choices and also I guess my bit of advice: do not let society define how you behave. Don’t let society tell you whats wright or wrong, obviously don’t tell yourself murder is okay and justify if by that but you get the gist. Do impulsive things. They’re awesome. Never pitty party for longer than you have to, we get it, your sad, now move on and have fun. Go to college, don’t think about the money, the distance, nothing, go far, home is great but you can visit. And go somewhere with a decent football program, generally that’s a good rule to live by if you want a real college experience.

So I’ll probably rant about things similar to the topics listed above, and probably throw my bucket list around to keep track of that. The photo above does a solid job of describing me, being obnoxious and proudly bearing the American flag in another country purely because I can.

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